Tuesday, 30 September 2008

Wow that's huge!!

Andy went to France last week on a fishing trip. There was 14 of them all together. After a long drive and lots of hours travelling they finally got there Friday afternoon (they left Thursday evening).

Andy's aim was to catch the biggest fish he'd ever caught and on the Tuesday at 8am he succeeded!!

Here's a pic of his 31lb 6oz mirror carp!!

Wednesday, 17 September 2008

Getting set for the charity concert!

We have our first production meeting tomorrow night for the Christopher's Fund charity concert in November.

I've already had people asking for tickets so I need to get them sorted soon!

This year, unlike previous years, we are going to have dancers too!

We've raised so much money each year by having the concert, I really hope this year is just as successful.

Sarah x

Front page news!!

Wow! I've not actually seen it myself yet, but had this article emailed to me and apparently it was on the front page of one of the local papers!! It should be in another tomorrow too!!

That will make four papers that Katherine has appeared in for winning through to the regional finals!!

Friday, 5 September 2008

Isobel has started school!

I've not blogged much over the summer. It's just been so busy here. I seem to be only blogging when there's some specific news. I didn't even blog about our wonderful holiday or our weekend at the Greenbelt festival!

Anyway Isobel started school yesterday afternoon and she's been this afternoon too and she's loved it. It's come round so quickly!

She looked so grown up in her uniform. It really took me back to when the others started and it's really brought it home too how Christopher never made it there, he was really looking forward to going to school :o(

Here are a couple of pics.

Sarah x