Wednesday 7 May 2008

Andy not very well

We had a lovely evening yesterday. Andy was very affectionate, I told Mum I felt like a cat cos everytime he walked by me he stroked my hair or rubbed my face :oD

He felt loads better until we went to bed and he started to feel all anxious again and his tummy hurt. I told him that I thought that was natural and not to worry.

When he got up for work this morning his tongue was pouring with blood again for the third morning in a row and it really scared him. He looked awful and I know he went into a real panic, he asked me if he was going to die I have to say I'm not happy at all and really worried about this spot on his tongue. I don't think for a moment that he's bitten it because for a start it doesn't hurt at all and whenever I've bitten my tongue it's really sore and also I've not known my tongue to bleed days after I've supposed to have bitten it.

I rang the dentist and he can't see him until tomorrow afternoon which is a real pain.

I now have the job of trying not to panic and trying to keep him from panicing too.

Sarah x

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