Saturday 31 May 2008

Tough couple of days for Andy

After quite a good week the last couple of days have been a disappointment for us both. He's been feeling really stressed and doesn't really know why. I've told him that it's very early days and he's bound to have some bad days.

It was the official opening of our new church today and it was a brilliant service. We saw our previous vicar and his family and we couldn't believe how much the kids had grown!

I managed to get the day off work and Katherine sang at the front which was lovely.

Andy enjoyed it but was visibly stressed and not himself at all. I had to try and stay close to him the whole time.

He's just taken the kids out to a gig but I bet he won't stay out long.

I've just washed up and tidied the kitchen and am about to watch the final of Britain's Got Talent. I was pleased that Jodie won the final of Nancy!!

Sarah x

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