Thursday 1 May 2008

Rough couple of days

Well I've had a really rough couple of days. I can't really go into detail in a blog on the net as it's a bit personal.

I took the day off work today, phoned in sick but was honest about why. I didn't want to phone in sick but it needed to be done and I've done enough overtime this week to cover my contract so it should be ok.

I've been so low and spent time last night crying. Life can be so hard at times.

I went into town today and met my Mum for lunch and managed to scrape the front of my car along a wall :o(

I lost concentration I think due to stress and lack of sleep.

It's not helped that I keep having to go to the kids schools to take things they've forgotten, they really need to organise themselves better!

The kids are out at band practise now and I have the house to myself as Isobel is asleep. It's very peaceful.

I've had a good tidy round and am just going to read the paper and then have a bath.

There is a lovely article in the Hinckley Times again about the tea party. I'll post it if I get chance to scan it in. The only downside was that it didn't mention my Mum and she worked so hard on the day :o(

Sarah x

1 comment:

Siouxsie said...

I hope things have settled down a bit for you now. Thinking of you xxxx