Saturday 28 June 2008

More singing!!

We went to St Peter's Church summer fair today. It was sooo much better than last year as it chucked it down all day last time and although the weather wasn't the best, it was quite windy, at least it stayed fine!

Katherine was accompanied by Mark on guitar for two songs, she sang a song she'd written herself which is excellent and it was the first time she'd performed it and 'Heaven' which is a Bryan Adams song and then she sang 'There are worse things' from Grease and 'Penny to my name' to a backing track.

We had a nice couple of hours and the church gave us £20 for Christopher's Fund to say thanks. I felt a bit sorry for Kate though as she thought it was for her for a start :o(

Then in the evening she had a recital at a local high school. It was put on by the dance school that she goes to and there was lots of singing and dancing and my friend's daughter Erica was there doing a drama sketch!!

Katherine sang 'Everything I do' and blew everyone away! I have to say though she really did herself proud considering the busy weekend she'd had!

Sarah x

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