Thursday 26 June 2008

School presentation

We went to an awards evening at JCC tonight.

Katherine was presented with a book as a thank you for services to the school - she was President of the school council. She had an A level psychology book and to her surprise she received £35 worth of book tokens from the Rotary club for services in the community too! They'll come in very handy when she's buying books for college.

It was a long seremony but the highlight was the traditional songs perfromed by the Kenyan students.

It's very sad to know that some children don't even have clothes to wear. It's inspired me to look into sponsoring a child. It's only £50 a year and it could make such a massive difference to a Kenyan child who in turn could make a huge difference to their community and improve life for 100's of people just by having the opportunity of an education.

Sarah x

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