Tuesday 22 April 2008

Had a lovely day today

It's been a really relaxing day today so far!

I took Katherine to school just after 8am and then came home and got Isobel ready for playgroup. We were a little late as she insisted on making her own toast and putting her own butter and jam on!

While she was at playgroup I came home and did a few jobs. I also wrote a shopping list of bits I'd forgotten to get last night as I shopped after work and I'm always in a hurry to get home.

I collected Isobel from playgroup and took her up to pre-school with a packed lunch. She loves it there. We only have 15 minutes in between playgroup and pre-school so I have to be organised. I quickly changed her top (pre-school have a uniform) tidied up her hair and left her.

I went off to Morrisons and got my other bits of shopping, plus more besides lol! I then had a cup of tea in the cafe as I'd not had time to have one earlier.

I got chatting to a lady as I came out of Morrisons who I'd never spoken to before in my life, we had a lovely chat. It's really nice to meet strangers and chat for a while.

I put the shopping in the car and then remembered Isobel needed some new dummies as she'd punctured all her others! She only really has them at night time now so hopefully these will be the last!

I came home and put my shopping away, tinkered about on the pc for a while. I then printed off a load of fliers about the tea party on Friday and took them into pre-school and asked them to give them out to all the parents.

We came home and I've sorted out the recylcing that's piling up outside as they don't collect plastic here yet but we save it and take it every now and then.

Andy has just arrived home with Katherine, and Matthew should be home just after 4pm.

We have turkey and fresh vegetables for tea and I will do some yorkshire puds to go with it as they are Isobel's favourite - yum!

Sarah x

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